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The Wool Studio




As many rug hookers will tell you, they have way too much wool. I was no different. The owner of the little fabric store where I shopped realized it too. He asked if I couldn't sell wool to my friends. But, how would I do that? With my list of fellow students from Green Mountain Rug Camp, I sent out 60 mailers back in August of 1999. Fifteen years later we are sending out more than 800 mailers every three months and that number increases with each mailing. Think about that... 800 mailers times 18 staples = 14,400 staples. Be patient, it is very time consuming.


The Wool Studio's growth has been slow but steady. In the beginning I would go to a warehouse close to New York City and choose from the stacks of fabrics that had been stored there (some probably for a very long time). Over the years I have depleted the inventory there and had to search elsewhere for a supplier. I tried numerous mills in the States and really wanted to support "made in the USA". That was not to be. Not one of those mills understood or tried hard enough to get the correct weight and color. The mills overseas were a different story. We are now working directly with mills that are doing a fantastic job of hand dying the 100% wool yarns to create the perfect plaids and textures rug hookers, braiders and quilters are demanding. With Wool Studio woolens you can create heirloom rugs without spending time in the dye pot.

For the first several years, The Wool Studio operated out of Rebecca and Bill’s house. After outgrowing their house, the Studio moved to the location we have held in West Reading. Now, after 15 years at the West Reading location, the property owner is interested in exploring other options. In March 2025, we moved to a new, larger location in neighboring Lancaster County, PA. Only the physical address has changed and our telephone, email, and curbside pickup policy all remain the same.


The Wool Studio Team

The Wool Studio Team

Rebecca, Amy and Matt

Call us 610-678-5448
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Or contact us with any queries:

The Wool Studio

859A Broad Street

East Earl, Pennsylvania 17519


Tel: 610-678-5448


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