Mail Order
The Wool Studio sends quarterly (January, April, July, October) swatch mailers to active customers. You will continue to receive Quarterly Mailers if you order 2 yards from every other mailer. If you fall off the active customer list, you can contact us to receive our latest Quarterly Mailer (availability of quarterly mailers may be limited) at a cost of $5.00. Ordering a minimum of 2 yards, which will trigger a label for you when the next quarterly mailer goes out, is the way to get the mailer each quarter. We also post eSwatches for all the items in our quarterly mailer on our website... so, even if you have fallen off the active customer list, everyone can see the mailer swatches online.
New customers can order a current Quarterly Mailer for $5.00 (check or Visa/Mastercard). If you become an active customer by ordering 2 yards (or $50.00), you will be added to our quarterly mailing list.
You are invited to e-mail or call us with your orders. Knowing the names and numbers of the patterns helps us from making errors fulfilling your order.
Please also remember, as always, to confirm your method of payment at the time you order. We have many customers who switch from card to check and from card to card with each order. While you may know how you want to pay, we do not, unless it is communicated. We will not assume… so please confirm it every time so your order is not delayed while we ask, and wait, for a response. If we are waiting for you to confirm your payment method, or anything else, we can’t type in, pull, hold, or process your order. As a result, we wind up prioritizing orders for customers who are prepared (i.e. submit complete orders with their items, quantity, address and payment method). Please provide ALL your information when ordering. Thank you!
In-Studio Shopping at The Wool Studio
After much consideration we have decided that The Wool Studio will no longer open for in-person shopping. Over the past decade the Studio’s business mix has shifted significantly toward wholesale (i.e. business-to-business supporting teachers, shops, and on-line retailers who sell wool fabric off-the-bolt, bundled and/or overdyed). For many years we have worked to accommodate individual retail customers who were interested in browsing, planning projects and purchasing a few pieces cut during their visit. However, these visits are sometimes challenging to schedule for mutually convenient times and often require longer browsing and shopping experiences, visiting and consulting. The pandemic has highlighted for us that curbside pickup of a definitive order can still accommodate local customers while supporting the Studio’s workflow.
We encourage customers to consider shopping with the regional businesses and teachers who stock a wide variety of wool (often including items we no longer have in stock), have regular hours, and are both knowledgeable and configured to better support retail customers. What’s more, this patronage supports our regional businesses… especially coming out of the pandemic.
The Wool Studio will continue to vend at regional hook-ins, bringing a wide variety of cut, off-the-bolt items. We are also happy to cut orders for curbside pickup at the Studio. For wholesale and retail customers alike, the best resource to see what we have in stock is our eSwatches: if you see it on our website, we are likely to have more than enough to fill your order. For active customers (purchasing two or more yards of wool every 6 months), comparing the eSwatches against your quarterly mailer swatches will help you accurately assess colors.
How to Order Wool
We do not have a shopping cart feature on our site... want to know why? Click Here.
Decide what you would like to order. Not sure if we have it? Check our eSwatches. If it is not on our site, it is likely sold out.
Contact us by email, phone, or Post Office mail. You can click on the button below to send us an email.
When you contact us... Tell us your name, address, what you would like to order (name and quantity) and your preferred method of payment. Leaving out any of these details will delay your order.
eMail: Click the button below
Call: Call us at 610-678-5448
By Mail:
The Wool Studio
859A Broad Street
East Earl, PA 17519
Tel: 610-678-5448